Saturday, February 25, 2012

Pagebreak for long texts in a textbox

I got a report than can grow depending on what information it gets.
My problem is that When I have a large text for a textbox.
Example of the problem:
I have a few textgroups thats gonna be printed out on a pdf. On page 1
we start of with some adresses and stuff and in the middle of the page
its gonna print out a description. The problem is that this description
for this particular case takes up roughly 75% of a A4-page. this means
that on Page 1 the header 'description' prints in the middle of the
page, then it jumps to Page 2 and prints out the text for
'description'. This leaves half of Page 1 blank, which isnt really good
looking. How do I get RS to start filling page 1 with the text, and
then put in a pagebreak in the middle and move the rest of the text
that didnt fit in onto page 2?
And if it can sence so it doesnt break in the middle of a word that
would be nice too :)
Its a ordinary textbox that gets it values from a SQL server.
Hope anyone understood my problem and has a good solution
Peter Berglundforgot to mention..its RS2000 we use .. :)

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