Saturday, February 25, 2012

Paged results from SQL Query?

I have been searching this topic on and for quite some time and can't seem to find a decent answer. Is it feasible to do your paging strictly from a SQL query? Pass the query the pagesize, what page to return and what to sort by?


If you are talking about datagrid customer paging, here is a solution I read a few weeks ago.

It is through a SP with dynamic sql statement. Following that article, a user gave another approach without dynamanic sql for a known table. Here is the web link for that article at

"Custom DataGrid Paging at the Server" by Dr.Bromberg


If there is not what you are looking for, please post back. ( I don't know whether I inderstand your question correctly about "paging strictly from a SQL query?" )




If you are using 2005 you can, a new ROW_NUMBER() function has been added so you could potentially use it to get rows say from 10 to 20. I have to say I have never used it, but after a quick google:

SELECT Description, Date
AS Row, Description, Date FROM LOG)
AS LogWithRowNumbers
WHERE Row>=1 AND Row<=10

I dont know how flexible it is I have to say, but hope that helps!


|||That was pretty much exactly what I was looking for. I want to avoid pulling 1000's of results when the user may only be looking at 20 or 30 of them. The other discussions I have read involve building a sorted temporary table with an autonumber column then pulling the page of data from there using < and > on the numbered column. I am concerned that this approach would be bad for performance. The link you have given seems like a very good solution!|||It would be even better if someone could find out how to parameterize the ORDER BY clause, so you can enable sorting on a multi-column table. I've been trying to figure it out for a couple of days, but the CASE syntax breaks down if the columns have different data types...

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