Friday, March 30, 2012

parameter passing with blanks - help required


I am having a curious problem with parameter passing between

reports. I have 2 reports the first report gives employee name, Department and

in the second report I have employee details. If the user clicks on the

Employee name in the First report it should go to the second report and display

the details. My problem comes if suppose the employee name is “Don King”when the parameter gets passed it does not recognize

the space between thename and throws

an error saying King not recognized.

Would appreciate if anybody could suggest as to how I can

pass the name with spaces in the report parameters.

Thanks and regards

PMNJPassing parameter with space to Jump to report and a subreport work fine. How are you passing this parameter around?|||am passing the parameter thru the report parameter

PMNJ|||I'm having the same problem. I've also got a parameter which can be one word, of more than one word, sometimes with a comma in it. I'm passing the parameter, like PMNJ, thru the report parameter.

Has someone solved this problem?|||I reiterate Brad's question. How are you passing the parameter? Are you using Jump to Report? Are you parsing together a URL link? More details.|||Sorry, here is the info you requested.

I'm passing the parameter (along with another one) with the report parameter, orinating from a jump to report link.
The parameter is correctly displayed when using a textbox and a expression with the parameter in it.
But, when using this parameter in the MDX query for the dataset it doesn't work when the parameter consists of more than one word, i.e. there are spaces (blanks) in it.

If you need more details, please say so, I'll be happy to supply them.

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