Friday, March 30, 2012

Parameter Prompt text (filter labels)

Is there a way to manipulate the label that appears next to a filter list
(the report parameter prompt) on the fly when generating a report?
For example, I have 2 people viewing a report -- one is in France and one is
in the US. In the report, the filter labels are currently all in English. I
have the French and English text stored in a database table -- so I was
thinking that I could use an expression to get the appropriate text from the
database, but I do not see an opportunity to use an expression for the prompt.
Any other ideas on how I could modify the text in a filter label on the fly?
Thank you,
LaurieTOn Mar 21, 11:05 am, LaurieT <>
> Is there a way to manipulate the label that appears next to a filter list
> (the report parameter prompt) on the fly when generating a report?
> For example, I have 2 people viewing a report -- one is in France and one is
> in the US. In the report, the filter labels are currently all in English. I
> have the French and English text stored in a database table -- so I was
> thinking that I could use an expression to get the appropriate text from the
> database, but I do not see an opportunity to use an expression for the prompt.
> Any other ideas on how I could modify the text in a filter label on the fly?
> Thank you,
> --
> LaurieT
The only thing I can think of is to try to conditionally modify the
underlying XML in the RDL file itself (though this is a long shot).
Ofcourse, there's always the custom application route that access the
rdl files internally (or maybe custom assembly: though I'm not
experienced in this area). Sorry to not be of greater assistance.
Enrique Martinez
Sr. SQL Server Developer|||I guess that I have the same issue with Report Column and Row labels. Here I
see that I can enter en expression, but when I try to put a query into the
expression, it seems to fail. Any ideas on this?
"EMartinez" wrote:
> On Mar 21, 11:05 am, LaurieT <>
> wrote:
> > Is there a way to manipulate the label that appears next to a filter list
> > (the report parameter prompt) on the fly when generating a report?
> >
> > For example, I have 2 people viewing a report -- one is in France and one is
> > in the US. In the report, the filter labels are currently all in English. I
> > have the French and English text stored in a database table -- so I was
> > thinking that I could use an expression to get the appropriate text from the
> > database, but I do not see an opportunity to use an expression for the prompt.
> >
> > Any other ideas on how I could modify the text in a filter label on the fly?
> >
> > Thank you,
> > --
> > LaurieT
> The only thing I can think of is to try to conditionally modify the
> underlying XML in the RDL file itself (though this is a long shot).
> Ofcourse, there's always the custom application route that access the
> rdl files internally (or maybe custom assembly: though I'm not
> experienced in this area). Sorry to not be of greater assistance.
> Regards,
> Enrique Martinez
> Sr. SQL Server Developer

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