Monday, March 26, 2012

Parameter error

Why do I keep getting this error:

"A number is required here"

I am trying to prompt the user of the report for the a Billing ID, which will refresh the contents of the report.

I am using exactly the same technique and method which is illustrated in the manual:


Where {VW_BillingItemsConsolidated.BillingAddressID} is the table field and {?billingID} is the forumla I have created.

RegardsNow I have changed the "Parameter Field" "Value Type" to take numerical data the error is no longer showing. Still though, when I enter a number the information on the report doesn't change to reflect that customer. Where am I going wrong?|||I just keeo getting "False" in the field which is inserted onto the report.|||What is the datatype of VW_BillingItemsConsolidated.BillingAddressID?
It should work correctly

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