Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Can anybody point me in the direction of some information on pageiolatch's?
Can't seem to find much info on them.
GavThere's not much public info on them right now. MS is working on a white
paper that describes this in more detail.
This type of latch indicates a wait on disk to memory transfers. You can
find out what object is being waited on by looking at the waitresource
column in master..sysprocesses. You'll need to use the dbcc page command to
figure out what the actual object is. The value in waitresource will be of a
format like this:
That's DBID:FileID:PageId.
I don't have the dbcc page command docs handy but you should be able to
google it easy enough.
DBCC PAGE will allow you to figure out what objectId owns the page so you'll
know which object was waiting on the pageiolatch to complete.
Brian Moran
Principal Mentor
Solid Quality Learning
SQL Server MVP
"Gav" <> wrote in message
> Can anybody point me in the direction of some information on
> Can't seem to find much info on them.
> thanks
> Gav

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